Twinkle No Longer a Puppy

As I was busy doing some work, Marko exclaimed that twinkle has already started her period. It was unexpected for me though I was advised by her vet that probably she will have her first period before her 12th month. Twinkle moved toward me directing me to the blood stains on the floor. Silly of me, I don’t know if I should congratulate her (as if she would understand). It was a stinky encounter since we have to wipe the floor which has her blood stains on.

Since I am new in dog-having-menstruation stuff. I immediately googled it to get some few tips. Firstly, google says be on-guard since bitches that are having their period can attract male dogs. It’s the scent of the blood that attracts these male dogs so beware. Secondly, dogs usually have their period twice a year (every 6 months) and it lasts up to 21 days or 1 month (so we need to deal with it for one month). Lastly, if you want to refrain your dog from scattering blood stains contain her in one place by placing her in crate. It would be big adjustment for her :(

Somebody teach me how to handle a shih tzu during its period. What are the do’s and don’ts

(Taken with Instagram)

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