The Awkward Encounter with Your Ex

Last night Marko and I after attending our Monday prayer group went to Nikka’s place (my childhood friend since grade school) for her birthday celebration. I saw common faces in high school. I use to go in the same school with them since 1st year high school at Lorenzo until my parents learned that I’m starting to have a boyfriend which forced them to enroll me to another school. Fyi, that was just a rumor but since my parents decided to transfer me to another school I made it real.

Faces were a little bit shocked when they saw me. I think they were not expecting me to be there with my boyfriend. My best friend lelet went to me hugging me and whispered, “si pao nan dito”. I froze and I felt my heart started pumping like crazy because I’m not ready for that awkward encounter specially having Marko around. Acting normal as I can be, I pretended not to notice my ex-boyfriend’s existence even if we were sharing the same dining table. I am glad also, that the rest were mature enough that nobody attempted to throw a joke on us.

That was really an awkward encounter for us. It was 3 years since the last time I saw him and 7 years since the last time we talked while breaking up. I was hoping that things will be normal and that we can still be friends. I think relationships really don’t end that way. I wanted to patch things up for the sake of friendship but there’s nothing to patch since now we have our own lives and I am happily in love with Marko.

It would also be insensitive of me if I approach my ex. Marko was frank on telling me that he disagree on such idea. I respect him for that. Anyway, I have already moved on. I’ve never been so happy like this in my entire life. Anyway, this is just about an awkward encounter, guaranteed no feelings attached to it :)

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