Have you ever wondered if someone you know, a friend or officemate has a compulsive lying disorder? Will it ever stop and how it can affect you. A friend of yours might tell that his girlfriend is a hot model from the covers of the magazine. Rather an officemate bragging about his/her possession
Compulsive liars are those who lie in sheer habit. Normally, lying is their reflex when being confronted. Lie seem to flow out of their mouth even in simple discussions just to brag themselves in getting the center of attention during group discussions. Why is it easy for them to fabricate stories? Simply because lying has been habitual for them and they become more comfortable than it as compared to telling the truth.
According to Robert Reich, M.D., a New York City psychiatrist and expert in psychopathology, says compulsive lying has no official diagnosis. Instead, intentional dissimulation — not the kind associated with dementia or brain injury — is associated with a range of diagnoses, such as antisocial, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. Reich says it has something to do with “self-esteem”. He quoted, “You want to be like someone else because you aren’t very happy with yourself."
Compulsive liar symptoms are as follows:
• **Attention Seekers: **There are certain people who need to be the center of attraction where ever they go. In order to maintain their high popularity rate, they begin to build up attention seeking white lies. These lies soon become a part of their personalities and they never find it necessary to shrug off the harmless lies.
• Create Stories: They make up such great stories about themselves, that they loose their charm once the cat is out of the bag. For example, someone claims to have been someone he never was.
• Covering Up: When a compulsive liar gets caught in his lies, he will cook up another story of how he is falsely accused or will deny it totally with another story to back up his claim of innocence.
• Same Story, Different Characters: Plagiarism becomes another part of obsessive compulsive liar symptoms.
• Poor Self Esteem: The hallmark of compulsive liar disorder symptom is low self-esteem. An inferiority complex forces the person to make up stories, that makes him/her feel worthy and appreciated.
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): This is mostly apparent in compulsive lying disorder in children. Even adults suffering from ADHD with impulsive behavior, exhibit compulsive lying symptoms.
• Bipolar Disorder: People suffering from a bipolar disorder are always suffering from mood swings, that range from depression to a manic behavior.
• Reality Denial: People who are unable to face the truth or unable to admit truth are true compulsive liars. They may turn on a elaborate emotional display that takes the attention away from their lies.