I would just like to share my accomplishment for the past months because of the help of God. Keeping faith in Him makes a lot of difference. As long as you claim it, nothing is impossible for Him.

At first, I thought reaching my target is not feasible at all. I was actually loosing hope and anxious. I was on the verge of giving up, but then I fought it. I claimed that God won’t let me down and I just have to wait.

2nd quarter I was able to close 3 major deals from key accounts. It was hard to penetrate since I will be battling with the incumbent vendors. Not to mention, that we lack resources to compete apples-to-apples.

Closing deal-after-deal was like a domino effect. On the 3rd quarter of the year i was able to achieve and exceed my YTD. The hardwork has finally paid off. I won’t be able to achieve it without the help of great people around me. I just can’t believe how overwhelming it is.

This year gave me a life experience: 1. Work as a team. We have our individual goals and targets but working as one means having someone to support your back to achieve your target vice versa. 2. Ora et Labora (prayer and work) It’s St. Benedict motto. I’ve been living with this motto way back in college. I consider this as the most effective weapon at all times.

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